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Miniature Landscape Video Showcases Snapshots of Nature in Ba Ria

In a city that's increasingly devoid of nature, it can be hard to recall the sight of a lush, green forest or a crystal-clear river.

However, in the first of a mini landscape series by Vimeo user Blak Ray, A Little Bit of Ba Ria hones in on tiny pieces of nature in the coastal province. While you won't see dramatic mountain landscapes or vast, sweeping ocean vistas, the video's intense focus provides tiny snapshots of the great outdoors: water flowing downstream, sunlight falling through tree branches, an ant navigating its way along a plant stem and a slender red flower fluttering in the breeze.

It's worth watching the whole video – if only because these hyper-focused closeups force you to take a deeper look at the things around you – the video's most beautiful images are of water, moving in slow motion as it cascades downhill, tumbling over rocks and winding around fallen branches.

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