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"Prancing Patterns" @ Noirfoto Darkroom-Studio-Gallery

Noirfoto Group Show - “Prancing Patterns'' will open at Noirfoto Gallery on 6pm, April 23, 2021, lasting until May 22, 2021. The exhibition will feature two emerging artists: Hagan Nguyen and Brice Coutagne. One is Vietnamese having returned from abroad, the other is French, living and working in Vietnam.

Their artworks are both visually mesmerising, whilst nonetheless diverse in techniques.

Hagan Nguyen is a female visual artist, using photography as her main medium. Her most recent work that is being exhibited explores “Overpainted Photography”, a technique of combining the visual effects of paintings to enhance that of photography. The marriage between the two forms of arts blurs the boundary between the real and unreal.

Brice Coutagne, is a French photographer, also known as Bui Doi. His collection “100” consists of large prints combining 100 small photographs of familiar, everyday objects. Small images intertwine to create a greater whole. Orderly but at the same time chaotic, the fragments of life orchestrated to mesmerise the viewers:

"Welcome to the obsessive realm of Bui Doi Photography, where the attempts to exhaust the world are constantly being deceived, for there is always more than a finite number of patterns and shapes to be exposed and classified. That does not undermine the will to keep framing those reality bits, to try from those fragments to get a bigger, fuller picture... But it also implies that there is no getting rid of the impossibility to record the totality. Only to extract a curated version of it, patiently cut out and set in a specific way. And once the process is completed, that the hundred elements are put in their right place, then the eye can rest a bit.
To contemplate.
Before the next outline strikes again."

“Noirfoto Group Show” is a unique program in Vietnam designed exclusively for art photographers/photographic artists using the tools and language of photography, especially photography practices. In this program, artists have the opportunity to learn, work, perfect, display, and sell their work together in a professional group exhibition, rich in materials and content. , with the best quality.

This is the 6th exhibition of the Noirfoto Group Show programme, specially designed by Noirfoto to inspire and facilitate any artists who utilise photography in their art making.

The exhibition is free entry 10am - 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday. For more details please contact us at

For more information, please visit here.

23rd April 2021

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Noirfoto Darkroom-Studio-Gallery | 199bis Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, D2, HCMC
