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SCM online - Digital Marketing 101 with Vuong

Meet Vuong Hoang, a Dutch-Vietnamese guy who moved to Vietnam in 2017. I'm a free-lance digital marketer who has been working in agencies for 6+ years who will help improve your e-commerce with his insights and expertise. International brands he has worked with are Frieslandcampina, Huggies , Heineken, Vietnammm, Nestle and Edumall.

If you are a business owner and want to grow your presence online, this event will give you actionable insights!
During this session, you will learn about the fundamentals of digital marketing. Plot twist: it's not what they teach you on youtube, courses or in schools. I actually make it even simpler based on my hands-on experiences working in digital agencies.

Consider this session as if you're asking advice from your best friend, instead of a paid professional. You'll discover easy tips and tricks instead of the salespitch.

We're looking for business owners to audit their channels LIVE during the session. If you're comfortable to share your business, please get in touch and register for a spot in this event!

Hosted by Vuong Hoang
Register to receive Zoom link

Register by donating as you feel and have fun!

Bank Acc for donation:

Nguyen Hong Trang
Vietcombank 0071005751667
Message: StayHomeTogether_VUONG

Donation of 500k per business is recommended. More is highly appreciated!

#StayHomeTOGETHER Online Series
A charity fundraising campaign where everyone can host activities for the community and participants will register by donate money to Covid Charity Fund to help the poor in lockdown
Main event link

100% registration fee is donated to Covid Charity Fund to provide food and essentials for the poor and the under-privileged during lockdown
Choose to join any of the online activities or, even better, all of them!
More activities you participate, the more fun you have and the more people you help!!
Sign up to be one of our activity hosts = offer your skills or simply your time for a great cause

Social Changemakers Network is an exclusive "Do Good.Feel Good.Live Good" networking platform
- Meet like-minded, find connections and seek social support through our monthly networking events and quarterly community markets
- Join our monthly online panel discussions to stay informed about various topics that are relevant to the current social situation
- Participate in our charity activities to help others and give back to the community
- We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give
- Find SCM on social media here.

For more information, please visit here.

12th August 2021


Online Event