BackEvents Near Me » Red Panda Klub @ Le Café des Stagiaires

Red Panda Klub @ Le Café des Stagiaires

RED PANDA KLUB returns! Join us on June 15, 2024, at Le Café des stagiaires for an unforgettable evening

Get ready to embark on a journey into the enchanting world of the Electronic Music as we bring back the beloved RED PANDA KLUB! While these adorable creatures aren't famous for their vocalizations, they speak volumes through a symphony of soft whistles, chirps, and gentle grunts. Discover the intricate language of these elusive beings, from the tender melodies of mating season to the urgent calls of distress and alarm.

More Info Coming Soon

For more information, please click here.

15 June 2024

09PM - 3AM

Le Café des Stagiaires | 10 Street 54, Thao Dien ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC
