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in Saigon Events

Thai Street Food & Drink Collection @ Mojo Café Sheraton Saigon Hotel

Mojo Café on Dong Khoi will be introducing a special Thai street menu in the month of June. Thai food lovers will have choices to discover a variety of Thai food delicacies such as Gai Yang chicken, T...

in Saigon Events

Thai Culinary Festival @ Saigon Café Sheraton Saigon Hotel

Explore an appealing and spicy Thai culinary every Saturday during the month of June at Saigon Café. Enjoy a wide range of Thai specialties from ‘Yam nua’ Thai beef salad, ‘Som Tom’ green papaya salad...

in Saigon Events

Imagine: Dance Show @ Youth Culture House

From the organizer: Dancenter is proud to present our new dance show: Imagine We dedicate this 9th edition of our annual show to our wonderful audience, who have given us such incredible support over ...

in Saigon Events

Heart Beats presents Henning Baer// Grounded Theory, Manhigh [GER] @ The Observatory

As the senior resident DJ of Grounded Theory, one of its founders, curator of its celebrated agency and events, and a DJ of worldwide renown for ability and tastes, Henning Baer forged his enviable ré...

in Saigon Events

Indika Saigon Soft Opening @ Indika

Welcome to Indika ! You are invited to join our Soft Opening What is Indika ??

in Saigon Events

Wave Test #5 Closing Reception & Performance @ Mai's Gallery

From the organizer: To mark the end of Alec Schachner's interactive sound installation WAVE TEST#5: VO BINH NUOC at Mai's Gallery, there will be a closing a reception and a performance by the artist f...

in Saigon Events

Nguyen Thanh Binh "Hometown" Exhibition @ Craig Thomas Gallery

Opening Reception at Craig Thomas Gallery - Hometown Solo Exhibition of paintings by Saigon-based artist Nguyen Thanh Binh.

in Saigon Events

Mundo Lingo @ Piu Piu

We´re a group of people from a variety of different countries that meet once a week to chat, meet new people, and practice speaking another language. We have little flag stickers from over 150 countri...

in Saigon Events

New Kid On The Block Flea Market @ Piu Piu

Elektrik Cloud is a place created specially for the trendy underground kids, featuring some of the most unique, urban brands, cutting edge clothings and designs you could find in Saigon. Our mission i...

in Saigon Events

Haguenauer interprète Debussy @ Idecaf

Jean-Louis Haguenauer accompanied by Vietnamese artists trained in France.

in Saigon Events

Chuckle Bucket: Live Comedy Open Mic @ Piu Piu

Stand up open mic at Piu Piu every Wednesday night at 8! C'mon out to talk about your balls, your lady balls, your complicated relationships with your fathers, and then your balls again!

in Saigon Events

Saigoneer's Weekend Event Picks

Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out our favorite events happening around Saigon.

in Saigon Events

Nick Monaco (Soul Clap, Wolf + Lamb Records - US) @ The Observatory

After a fantastic Thursday performance last year, Nick Monaco returns with his highly unique & exotic approach to dance music for a highlight night on the calendar.

in Saigon Events

Ouissam & Hibiya Line @ The Observatory

Boss of regional powerhouse Cliché Records and major Observatory ally - OUISSAM is back in town to join Observatory resident & co-founder HIBIYA LINE for a night that will definitely get the groove mo...

in Saigon Events

Sierra Sam & Pascal Hetzel (R&S - BEL) LIVE + DJ set @ The Observatory

Two massive names out of the European electronic sound world with releases on top-shelf labels will be combining live performance with a DJ set in a full-on audio feast that can be appreciated by anyo...

in Saigon Events

The Market @ The Factory Contemporary Art Centre

The Market is housed at the Factory contemporary arts centre and the first creative hub in Saigon. Come discover the buzz of activity in this creative space, where we will showcase a showroom with new...

in Saigon Events

Saigon Artbook Crowdfunding Party @ Piu Piu

We're saying a BIG thank you to everyone who has donated ANY amount to our online crowdfunding on Indiegogo: Art is fun. You are fun. Come have fun!

in Saigon Events

Monday Night Freestyle Rap Battle and Open Cypher @ Emergency Room

From the organizer: This Monday night May 23, 2016 from 8-11pm is dedicated to the art of freestyle rap battling and cyphering. 

in Saigon Events

Reggae Party @ La Canalla

This Saturday at La Canalla it's Reggae Party time !

in Saigon Events

Thursday Evening Party @ Shrine

Thursday is coming again, and we are continuing our new Thursday Party event weekly on Thursdays! 
