Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out our favorite events happening around Saigon.
Dirty Dancing (1987) - Open Air Cinema Club @ The Hive Saigon

From the organizer: Join us this June as we screen the classic Dirty Dancing (1987).
Friday, July 20
RAW #1 - SOOM T Live + Rap Reggae Showcase @ Piu Piu

Soom T is an Indian artist born and raised in Scotland creating songs within the Reggae, Hiphop, Folk, Electronic and Dub genres with various experiments.
Friday, July 20 @ 9pm
VND150,000 at door
Hanoi – Life In The Arts During The 1990s @ The Factory Contemporary Art Centre

Listen to the Gang of Five share their thoughts on the highs and lows of their careers at that time, and the memorable moments they experienced between themselves and with colleagues from Vietnam.
Saturday, July 21 @ 4pm
Pet Weekend @ Crescent Mall

After the big success of The Fast and The Furry Pet Fair in April, Pet event will come back this July with the new version including numerous fascinating activities.
Saturday, July 21 @ 8:30am
The Haus of House @ Vibes Club

From the organizer: The Haus of House is the weekly event focusing mainly on underground house with many live sets and DJ sets by artists from Haustek Agency, other Vietnam based artists & international artists.
Sunday, July 22 @ 9pm
Head to our full events calendar for more details and email events@saigoneer.com to have your event featured on Saigoneer.