BackEvents Near Me » Jack Clayton / Art Exhibition - Streets of Vietnam @ MÁY CÀY Bistro

Jack Clayton / Art Exhibition - Streets of Vietnam @ MÁY CÀY Bistro

We warmly welcome you to join us at Soma Art Cafe for a series of woodcuts and illustrations inspired by street culture in Vietnam by Jack Clayton. 

Jack Clayton is an illustrator / printmaker from London who specialises in the medium of woodcut printmaking. He relief prints his blocks by hand and often uses the reduction method to add multiple layers of colour from a single block of wood. 
In the past he has studied about different environments, places he’s lived or travelled through and enjoyed learning about the stories of the past and their relations to the present. He used his art to gain a better understanding of an area which shows through his immensely complex and thoughtful illustrations. 
More recently he has been looking at modern Vietnamese culture and traditions he experiences whilst living in Ho Chi Minh City, illustrating them for himself and others to gain a better understanding of the environment around them.
His recent series of woodcuts is ongoing and draws inspiration from the streets of Ho Chi Minh City in particular. Popular sights such as street sellers, children’s games, cafes, drinking culture, expressions and sayings all play apart with an aesthetic inspired by traditionally hand painted shop signs, geometric floor tiles and traditional temple walls.

On display will be a carefully selected series of original woodcut prints with the woodblocks also to see the process for yourself. On the opening night Jack will be there to explain the works plus there'll be free wine and finger food!


Sunday, 11 February

7:00pm - 11:00pm

MÁY CÀY Bistro | 2nd floor, 62 Ly Tu Trong, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
