The Lighthouse is celebrating its second birthday!!!
It's time to say thank you again to everyone for all the support, friendships, and good times we have shared over the past year.
Come and help us celebrate this massive milestone together on October Friday the 12th and Saturday the 13th for two nights of awesomeness. This is a big thank you for all of you, as it would not have been possible to achieve without your help and support!
Expect to see more than 18+ local and international DJs over two nights, that have been bringing the party to our dance floor week after week, for the past year and plenty of other surprises install as well.
Night two here: Two.Zero - Night #2
Rooftop 20:00 - 01:00:
- Tristyan (The Lighthouse, Vitamin D)
- Thi Ngo (TnR)
- Peanuts (The Lighthouse)
- Hibiya Line (The Observatory)
Main Room 22:00 - 05:00:
- Vynnibal (The Crisis)
- Mike Ruth (US)
- 1DAN (DeepSystems, Heart Beat)
- Dan Lo (The Observatory)
- Jonathan (Lt FR)
Friday, 12 October
8:00pm - 5:00am
The Lighthouse | 6th Floor, 104 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, D1, Ho Chi Minh City