BackEvents Near Me » Renaissance Winter Fayre 2019 - Holiday Pop-up Market @ Renaissance International School Saigon

Renaissance International School Saigon will be holding its annual Winter Fayre on Thursday 12 December, commencing at 16:00. It’s a great opportunity for students, parents, alumni and friends who have been a part of our journey, to get together and celebrate.

This year's Winter Fayre promises to be the best yet! With stalls featuring activities, handicrafts and delights from students, local businesses and artisans.

Put it in your calendar; come and enjoy the festive atmosphere and get some Christmas shopping in, as well as help raise money towards one of the school's designated charities.

This is a significant calendar event and we would welcome your support by either donating directly or by having a stall that sells products on the day. If you are interested in offering a stall please be advised that the charge will be VND 500,000. All proceeds raised by Renaissance from the stall fee will be donated to one of the school’s designated charities.

Register for a stall at: - Registration deadline: Friday 29 November

Contact: (Ms Lien, PA to the Head of Secondary) - (028) 3 7733 171, Ext: 166

12 December 2019

4:00pm - 7:00pm

Renaissance International School Saigon | 74 Nguyen Thi Thap St., Binh Thuan Ward, D7, Ho Chi Minh City
