Hanoi Postcard No. 11: Saddle Chill Time
Who is better at the art of chilling on a motorbike than the xe ôm?

Three Nha Trang Residents on How Covid-19 Affected Their Livelihood
Normally, Nha Trang is one of Vietnam’s most famous tourism destinations.

Vietnamese Youths Hardest-Hit by Employment Crisis During Covid-19 Pandemic
Unemployment amongst youths in Vietnam is expected to double as a result of the economic havoc caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 30m Workers in Vietnam Impacted by Pandemic: Labor Ministry
While Vietnam has thus far avoided serious public health impacts from the coronavirus pandemic, it has not escaped the economic ravages of the global emergency.

PouYuen, Saigon's Biggest Employer, Lays Off 3,000 Workers, Citing Covid-19 Slump
Although Vietnam’s economy is not as badly hit as that of our neighbors, local companies are still struggling to recover from the slump brought about by the global pandemic.

5m Workers Impacted by Coronavirus Outbreak in Q1, Statistics Office Says
As time goes by, the massive economic impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is becoming more clear.

This Week in Focus: New Cases Slow and Social Distancing Fines
Stay connected with Saigoneer on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook. Each week, we digest the most important stories from the capital, the rest of Vietnam and beyo...

Planning Ministry Earmarks $2.6bn of Financial Aid for Workers Affected by Covid-19
Some major sectors of Vietnam’s economy have had to close to limit the spread of Covid-19, sending scores of workers into temporary unemployment. How will they be supported during this period of hards...