Chạm Vào Xanh, the Social Enterprise Normalizing Joy for People With Disabilities
Hồng’s parents took her out of school in Grade 5. They weren’t facing financial issues, her grades weren’t bad and she had no behavioral setbacks. It was just because she has cerebral palsy.

Meet Little Peanut, the Star of Hanoi's Experimental Puppetry Performances
Last year, on a fine autumn day, I was lucky to witness Little Peanut taking her first steps in the attic-cum-rehearsal-studio of the Hanoi based experimental theater group Mắt Trần Ensemble.

Vietnam's People With Disabilities Face Many Challenges During Epidemic, Survey Shows
While life in Vietnam is slowly returning to normal, the COVID-19 epidemic has dealt a blow to the livelihood of many citizens, with people living with disabilities among the most heavily impacted.