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LINH HA and L A K E S Live @ Soul Bar Hanoi

From the organizer: L A K E S (L A k E S) is a Hanoi-based live electronic duo comprising of Alistair Hobson (beats & bass) and Stewart Utley (guitar). 

Inspired by the city's constant pool of noises, their sound leans towards hard electronic beats with a soulful, atmospheric touch.

Linh Hà (LinhHafornow) taps into the emotion of wonder, uplift, sorrow and reflection, through improvised looped vocal arrangements, focusing on the spirit of the beat. Listen to her music and let her take you to the land of mysterious creatures flitting through the air of woven vocals.

Special Visuals by Anita Wilczęga ((Quest Festival, Intransmission))

- Free entry.
We highly recommend table booking in advance!


Sunday, 20 May

9:00pm - 11:00pm

Soul Bar Hanoi | 21/12 Dang Thai Mai, Tay Ho, Hanoi


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