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Đêm nhạc Đương đại | A Contemporary Music Concert @ Manzi

From the organizer: Manzi is pleased to host 'Shades of the Sounds' - a contemporary music concert by the Hanoi New Music Ensemble and Đông Kinh Cổ Nhạc the Ancient Music Group of Tonkin, featuring works by composer Vũ Nhật Tân and Tuồng - traditional opera of Vietnam.

8.00 PM, Saturday 08 Sept 2018
Manzi Art Space, 14 Phan Huy Ich
Surcharge: 150,000 VND/person

As a way of expression and cognition, music is a universal language to mankind. Each ethnic group, through its long history of formation and development, has created their own music with distinctive features and characteristics.

“Shades of the Sounds' is a program combining contemporary music through the works by composer Vu Nhat Tan and Hát Tuồng - Vietnamese traditional music.

With the criterion “to sing as to behold”, Hát Tuồng is a captivating art form, its distinct vocal and performance techniques immerse the audience into different emotional states.

The concert is a journey into the sound of music of the Past and Present.

Due to limited seating capacity, please email before Thurs 6 Sept 2018 to reserve seats.

Please note that the programme is not appropriate for audience under 12.
Money from the surcharge goes toward artists and covers organisational costs.

Saturday, September 8

8:00pm - 10:00pm

Manzi | 14 Phan Huy Ich, Ba Dinh, Hanoi


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