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From the organizer: Movie is shown with English subtitles. And follow-up discussion at the end of the screening.

About the series

In this series, instead of revealing information about the selected films; pieces of images and languages are updated on facebook before the screening. This is not intended to take audiences on a 'treasure hunt', nor does it promise to open the secret box to bring a bit of romantic surprise. Watching a movie blossomed a meeting, we - the viewers, who sometimes asked ourselves what made us start watching a movie, and we are not always finding reasons, maybe finding the reasons is not necessary at all. The impossibility of attempting to visualize such invisible things, these series invite audiences to make appointments, like dating someone. We hide information/ reviews about the selected films in the unpredictable state of anticipated encounters.

Audience participation please contribute to the operating costs, the contribution suggests 30,000vnd / person.
Free for members of Heritage Space Library. (Please bring your student-card or membership-card)
Free one drink and popcorn seft-serve.


Saturday, November 17

7:00pm - 9:30pm

Dolphin Plaza | 6 Nguyễn Hoàng, Mỹ Đình 2, Nam Từ Liêm, Hanoi


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