Back Events Near Me » Saigon Artbook 7: Workshop and Talk - Day 1 @ The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre

Join our mirrored self-portrait drawing workshop led by artist Trần Kim Hoa (b.1980 in Dong Thap), where traditional standards of female beauty will be questioned and challenged.

For Kim Hoa, female beauty is shown through edgy shapes, high cheekbones, sharp faces, thick arms and small pinched breasts. In other words, it is the ‘distorted’ – accumulated by perhaps hardship, suffering and loneliness – that makes up our true identity.

Workshop fee: 150,000VND/person (included all material fee)
Due to the seat limitation, please register to secure your place here:


Artist Talk with Xuân Hạ (2PM – 3.30PM)

Xuân Hạ's (b.1993 in Da Nang, currently based in Saigon) work takes as its inspiration the multitude of qualities, realities, bodies and identities that simultaneously exist within and around herself, as they do with all the women in her life, from her family members to her friends. These multifaceted characteristics and foundations of the self are, for the artist, “fascinating and irresistible”.

In this talk, Xuan Ha will share more about her newest series of silk paintings, titled 'Virtual Realm'; and the subjects of her work – the fictional constructs whose bodies are suave and feminine, their faces androgynous. They struggle through society, but their heads are shaved and their eyes are closed as if in peaceful meditation. In their way, they reveal their stories. And in ‘their’ stories, we recognize parts of ‘us’ too. There is no fee applied to join this talk. However, due to seat limitation, please be on time to secure your seat. 

There is no fee applied to join this talk. However, due to seat limitation, please be on time to secure your seat. 

For more information about the workshop and the artist talk, please visit:


Saturday, 17 June

10:00pm - 3:30pm

The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre | 15 Nguyen U Di, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
