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Saigon Artbook 6 & 7 Re-Launching @ Inpages

Join us for the re-launch of the two latest editions of Saigon Artbook. 

Two years in the making, these comprehensive surveys of contemporary Vietnamese art cast a spotlight on the practice of ten Saigon-based artists. Learn how we translate the artwork onto paper, and unify design with artistic concepts. The books become mobile exhibitions that you can hold in your hands.

Opening night Friday 6th October, 6pm-10pm
inpages, 4 Le Van Mien, Thao Dien ward, District 2, Saigon

We will also host a series of talks and workshops so you can get to know more about the process, the artists, the collection - and get your hands dirty - on Saturday, 7/10. More information about this, including how to register will be made available soon. Stay tuned!

Saturday, 7/10

- 1 - 3pm: Workshop Pop-Up by Cat Nguyen (based on the pop-up in SGAB7). Fee 150k/person (included everything). Maximum 10 people attended.
-  3 - 5pm: Workshop image transferred by Nathan Larson (inspired from SGAB6). Fee 450k/person (included everything). Maximum 10 people attended.
- 3 - 5pm: Design Talk with Giang Nguyen about the design process of SGAB7 (in Vietnamese only). Maximum 50 people.

Email to to reserve a slot with your name and phone number. Or call/text to +84 93 8509839.

The showcase will run until 4th November.


Friday, 6 October

6:00pm - 10:00pm

Inpages | 4 Le Van Mien, Thao Dien, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
