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Brew Years Eve @ Heart of Darkness

From the organizer: Say hello to 2018 with your friends at Heart of Darkness...


We'll have...
AND... To say THANK YOU and HAPPY BREW YEAR to our loyal customers we are bringing back the PRESSURE KEG !!!
That's right - 40 lucky people will get to drink as much beer as you can until someone leaves the room...

Let us know your funniest or favourite experiences at the Heart of Darkness or with our beers. The funnier the better. The best stories will win a free ticket to the pressure keg. Only 40 spots open so get posting...
To qualify to win all you have to do is one of the following : 
- Check-in to Heart of Darkness with a pic of you drinking a beer at our bar 
- Tell us your favourite Heart of Darkness experience
- Tell us why you love Heart of Darkness
- Tell us who your favourite member of the Dark Army is and why
- Why is Heart of Darkness special to you
Anytime between now and 30 December.

Winners will be contacted directly through FB Messenger on 30 December...

REMEMBER - Only 40 people will be picked so get posting !!!

We’ll also be giving away sporadic free beers throughout the evening to anyone who entered and didn't win tickets to the PRESSURE KEG...

It's gonna be a HUGE night so check back regularly to see WHAT ELSE we've got planned !!!

Rules of the pressure keg are as follows : 
- All participants to be in 3rd floor bar area by 6:55PM
- NO-ONE IN or OUT after 7 PM
- Free Sacred Fire Golden Ale or another beer of our choice from 7 PM until someone leaves this area - for ANY reason...

Sunday, 31 December

7:00pm - 3:00am

Heart of Darkness | 31D Ly Tu Trong, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
