BackEvents Near Me » Tropic Paradise | Exclusive Launch Grey Goose Flavors in Vietnam @ Chill Skybar

From the organizer:  Only this Saturday, get ready to explore the tropic jungle at Chill Skybar.

With Famous Singer Trung QuanIdol and his REMIX HITS in an exclusive Launching Event “Tropic Paradise” for the new Grey Goose Flavors in Vietnam. This event is getting hotter when the beautiful Samba dancers and sexy Dancehall performances on stage. Hence, let come and get lost with the taste of the premium Grey Goose Flavors cocktails and package at weekend!

Featuring Singer Trung Quan Idol and sexy Samba Dance

Exclusive launch for Flavors "Pear (La Poire) & Orange (L'Orange)”


Saturday, 15 September

9:30pm - 2:00am

Chill Sky Bar | AB Tower - 76 Le Lai, Ben Thanh, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
