Conference: Caodaism and Freemasonry
By Dr Tran Thu Dung
Monday, June 24th, from 6pm
Language: Vietnamese and English
- On 130,000 vnd (students and Salon Saigon members: 80,000vnd)
- At the door: 150,000 vnd (students and Salon Saigon members: 100,000vnd)
** A synthesis of cults of the world, Caodaism is a religion founded in Vietnam in 1926 that sanctifies famous writers such as Victor Hugo, Li Tei Po, Nguyen Binh Khiem ...
During this presentation, Dr. Tran Thu Dung will reveal some of the secrets of Caodaism and in particular its relationship with Freemasonry.
Trần Thu Dung is a Doctor of Philosophy and Literature (University Paris VII), a writer and culture researcher. She is also former professor of ENS Hanoi.
Her research topics include Freemasonry, Acculturation, Caodaism…
Monday, 24 June
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Salon Saigon | 6D Ngo Thoi Nhiem, D3, Ho Chi Minh City