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Waste to Puppet @ Ve Voi

"Waste to Puppet" workshop will be open to audiences interested in puppets as well as artists working in environmental media in HCMC on 11, 12, and 13 of October 2019. The organizers want to engage participants in recreative activities of turning recycled materials into puppets that can tell exciting stories.

Workshop fees are collected to help cover organizing cost of similar free workshops for underprivileged children, cancer patients, and people in especially needed as part of the process of building a peace culture through arts.

Artist Sirikarn Bunjongtad (Jae) will facilitate learners to make puppets as well as to combine folktales with social issues and puppetry technique, through which, each participant will have the chance to explore their own hidden.

The puppetry-based workshop will inspire participants with self-dialogue and interaction with other participants, which is available for everyone, from senior artists to people seeking a method of enjoying life. "Waste to Puppet" workshop will help you improve emotional management skill, and bring you back to journey to find your inner self in the relationship with the community.

* Workshop for people interesting in learning basics in puppetry (make puppets and tell stories with puppets): Saturday afternoon Oct 12 and Sunday afternoon Oct 13 (at 66/8 Phạm Ngọc Thạch, District 3).
Sharing for properties, venue fee: 470.000đ/ participant (include drink)

* Workshop for people interested in learning to make puppets from recycled materials: Sunday morning Oct 13 (66/8 Phạm Ngọc Thạch, District 3).
Sharing for properties, venue fee: 250.000đ/ participant (include drink).


Please make payment transaction through the information below:
Account holder: Phan Tuan Quoc
Account number: 5107237
Bank details: ACB – Phan Dang Luu Branch, HCMC
Transaction note: "Name - phone number_ date." For example: "Ng Hoang Quan_078..._ afternoon 12-13.10."

If there is any further inquiry, please contact us at the event page of hotline 0902848163.


Saturday, 12 October

2:30pm - 4:30pm

Ve Voi | 66/10 Phạm Ngọc Thạch, District 3
