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A Night of Spanish Music @ The Opera House

 Classical music transcends languages and nationalities, so it's appropriate to celebrate the 200th birthday of French composer Édouard Lalo with his music that paid homage to Spain along with selections from Spanish violin phenom Pablo de Sarasate, Spanish composer Enrique Granados and Cuban composer Ernesto Lecuona. While each of the men led different lives and had largely different styles, they are united by their appreciation for Spanish music. 

The evening begins with 12 Spanish Dances for String Orchestra by Enrique Granados. While they are diverse in their themes and movements, they are share stylistic levity and elegance. One can as easily imagine them being played for upscale events in Spain in 1890 as in Saigon in 2023. Reflective of the early 20th century’s nationalist, Spanish style, they are the perfect way to usher in the night’s subject matter. 

The excerpts of the Spanish dances are then followed by Pablo De Saraste’s Carmen Fantasy, op. 25. The famous violin fantasy is considered to be one of the most challenging and technically demanding violin pieces and thus often appears in competitions. While it only lasts a little more than 10 minutes, it showcased his incredible skill and technical prowess, as well as his charismatic passion.                                                                

Paris-born Franco-American violinist Stéphane Trần Ngọc will have the privilege of playing the piece at the Saigon Opera House on July 7. The talented musician has played in more than thirty countries and won awards in the Lipizer Competition, the Paganini Competition, Aspen Music Festival, Artists International Auditions, and the Long-Thibaud 1990 International Competition where he was awarded Grand Prix and Special Audience Prize. The Washington Post notes: he “has that magical quality wherein his instrument appears as a seamless extension of his spirit.”

Stéphane will also lend his talents to Symphonie espagnole for Violin & Orchestra in D Minor, op. 21 by Édouard Lalo following the intermission. Although called a "Spanish Symphony" when it premiered in 1875, it is considered a violin concerto today. Featuring Spanish motifs, it was produced at a time Spanish-themed music was particularly popular in Paris, which led Lalo to explore it in his work.

The piece is generally unique in Lalo’s storied career and continues to be one of his most performed works. It was an inspiration for Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D major in particular when the Russian composer was undertaking Spanish music

The evening of Spanish music will be conducted by Trần Vương Thạch, HBSO’s former Director. In 2007 he gained the state recognition of Meritorious Artist and has led some of the Opera House’s most popular performances.

From cuisine to paintings to fashion, Spain has had an incredible cultural influence on the world and this evening encapsulates some of its contributions to music as well. While the conductors might not be as commonly known as those from other countries, the music performed on July 7 will illustrate what a shame that is.

July 07, 2023


The Opera House | 07 Lam Son Square, Ben Nghe, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
