BackEvents Near Me » Ukiyo Chapter 5 @ VOH Music One – Opera house

Ukiyo Chapter 5 @ VOH Music One – Opera house

How do you do? Busy all day, do you watch anime in your free time? Many people say it's boring, but many people like to live in peace like that, sometimes just having slices as highlights is fine. So what's your recent "slice"? For us, jostling between hustle and bustle, competing between climaxes and haste, being simple and somewhat boring is a precious slice. When life is always so stressful, a deep breath for a moment of rest, to love and to heal is something worth appreciating. This spring, keep dreaming of your own "pink life" no matter how harsh and difficult it is outside. And gently step into Chapter 5 with Ukiyo, to live with your own cuteness. A little bit of punk rock with some slice of life anime that you can't miss. If you are curious, remember to click on the link below, and accompany Ukiyo to the next spring festival called Life in Pi(U)nk, okay?!?. Ukiyo Chapter 5 - Life in Pi(u)nk, looking forward to meeting you!

For more information, please click here.

06-07 April 2024


VOH Music One – Opera house | 3 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Đa Kao, District 01, HCMC
