Back Events Near Me » Touch - Improvisional Dance Workshop by Life Art @ Zero Station

From the organizer: "Touch" is a special workshop for the couples who are not only in a relationship like love or marriage. Touch is designed with creative activities such as improvisational movements and drawing ... to bring intimate time and spce for participants to re-connect their bodies, emotions, thinking to understand eachh other, and reflect what’s happening.

Who should attend?
The couple in a relationship (friendship, love, marriage, colleagues, relatives ...), aged 16 years and older

What you can learn at the workshop:
- To connect intimately and naturally between two people by focusing entirely on the present moment and conversation from the hearts
- To refresh couple’s emotions
- To bring more peace and love into the relationship.
Fee: 300,000 / people
Or book a PACKAGE DEAL for both "Touch"& "Improvise with life" workshops for 500,000 / 2 people / 2 workshops

WHERE: ZeroStation, No.12, Alley 43, Lam Van Ben St., Dist.7
Click on link to register:

Or CALL TO BOOK DIRECTLY WITH US before 4:30pm Thursday 5/5/2015
- Ga.0 qua sđt 0938 224 698

** Bank Transfer:
Đinh Thị Hạnh Trang, Acc no.: 0021001026809, Vietcombank, Thang Long Branch 

Please note your transaction as below: YOUR NAME_THE WORKSHOP'S NAME

Hotline: 0968 902399 (My) hoặc 0938 224698 (Anya)


Friday, 6 May

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Zero Station | 12 Street 43 (Lâm Văn Bền perpendicular), D7, Ho Chi Minh City
