Chi - Fu - Mi / Rock Paper Scissors
We bet you cannot beat us at this game!!!
From 9pm till 11:30pm on Sat 10th - Defy us in order to get 30% off on your drink.
1 - Choose your drink
2 - Try to beat us
3 - If you win = Get 30% off on any drinks (Belgian beers at 130k)
If you lose = Your beer will be at normal price
Note: 1 game per 1 drink (if you want to order 3 drinks, we play 3 times)
Reservation: 01227330235
Free entrance / Free Parking in the building (don't forget to ask us a ticket)
Saturday, 10 Sep
9:00pm - 11:30pm
Panam | 91 Pasteur, D1, Ho Chi Minh City