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Movie Night: The Limey @ Alex's Cult Film Night Emporium

Shot by Steven Soderbergh in 1999. The Limey is about An ex-con, fresh out of prison who goes to L.A. to try to learn about the myserious circumstances surronding his daughters untimely death. 

A twist on the typical revenge movie. The Limey dispenses with boring action cliches. What proceeds is a meditation on time, regret, loss and memory. 

Beatifully shot and wonderfully acted by Terence Stamp, Lesley Ann Warren, Luis Guzmán, Barry Newman, and Peter Fonda.

It was filmed on location in Los Angeles and Big Sur.


Thursday, 17 November

8:30pm - 11:00pm

Alex's Cult Film Night Emporium | 188/1 Nguyen Van Huong, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
