BackStories » Vietnam

in Vietnam

Vietnam to Extend Stay for Foreigners Stuck Due to Flight Ban Until June 30

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, foreign nationals who arrived before March 1 will have their residence permits extended until June 30 if they can prove they are unable to return to their home co...

in Vietnam

Da Nang Approves Program to Teach English, Chinese, Korean to Police Officers

Da Nang aims for 100% of police officers in certain departments to be proficient in a foreign language by 2024.

in Vietnam

Vietnam Reports 24 New Coronavirus Cases, All Quarantined, on Flight From Russia

As Vietnam welcomes more humanitarian flights from epidemic-stricken nations, its third wave of COVID-19 infections begins, though all inside quarantine thus far.

in Vietnam

No New Airlines in Vietnam for Now, Aviation Authority Says

Aviation authorities will temporarily stop considering the licensing of new airlines while focusing on helping existing airlines recover in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic.

in Vietnam

Vietnamese Professor Among 10 Winners of Prestigious European Mathematics Prize

A Vietnamese professor recently clinched a prestigious prize for young individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of mathematics.

in Vietnam

Bars, Cinemas, Sports Get Green Light, Karaoke and Clubs Remain Closed

Vietnam residents can now knock back a few cold ones at their local watering hole, but they'll have to leave their karaoke dreams at home.

in Vietnam

Vietnam Confirms 17 New Coronavirus Cases From UAE, All Quarantined on Arrival

The patients are Vietnamese nationals who returned on a repatriation flight from the United Arab Emirates last Sunday.

in Vietnam

5m Workers Impacted by Coronavirus Outbreak in Q1, Statistics Office Says

As time goes by, the massive economic impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is becoming more clear.

in Vietnam

Vietnam Wants You to Get Married Before 30, Bear 2 Children

In a move that will surely put a smile on the face of Vietnamese moms everywhere, the government recently announced an initiative to encourage local couples to tie the knot and start popping out child...

in Vietnam

Vietnam Mulls Allowing Personalized License Plate Number, for a Fee

For a fee, and possibly through participation in an online auction, drivers would be able to select their own license plate numbers, rather than have them randomly assigned.

in Vietnam

Restaurants, Cafes, Tourist Sites Among Places That Can Reopen, PM Says

Vietnam has transitioned into a new period in the COVID-19 epidemic with reduced threats of infection and a slowly reopening economy.

in Vietnam

The Week in Focus: Social Distancing Regulations Eased Off

Stay connected with Saigoneer on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook.

in Vietnam

Vietnam to Organize 13 Humanitarian Flights to Bring Citizens Stuck Abroad Home

In an effort to assist Vietnamese citizens stuck in foreign countries currently ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, aviation authorities have organized more than a dozen outbound flights that will take ...

in Vietnam

IMF Predicts 2.7% GDP Growth in 2020 for Vietnam as Other Economies Contract

The COVID-19 pandemic will dampen Vietnam’s economic growth for 2020, though the country will be in a better position than most of its better-off peers.

in Vietnam

From Today, Vietnam Heavily Restricts Passenger Transport Between High-Risk Provinces

While the majority of its most crowded metropolises enter another week of mandatory social distancing, Vietnam is also putting a stop to intercity buses between high-risk regions.

in Vietnam

Social Distancing Campaign Extended in Hanoi, Saigon for 1 Week

Add some shows to your Netflix queue and charge your Kindle: many of us are staying home for another week.

in Vietnam

This Week in Focus: New Cases Slow and Social Distancing Fines

Stay connected with Saigoneer on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook. Each week, we digest the most important stories from the capital, the rest of Vietnam and beyo...

in Vietnam

Planning Ministry Earmarks $2.6bn of Financial Aid for Workers Affected by Covid-19

Some major sectors of Vietnam’s economy have had to close to limit the spread of Covid-19, sending scores of workers into temporary unemployment. How will they be supported during this period of hards...

in Vietnam

Vietnam Ships Face Masks, Protective Suits to Help Europe, US Fight Coronavirus

In an impressive bit of medical gear diplomacy, Vietnam has sent domestically produced masks and protective suits to a number of countries.

in Vietnam

As Vietnam's Streets Turn Empty During Pandemic, Traffic Violations Surge

Despite the nation's positive results in containing Covid-19, a grim byproduct of Vietnam’s stay-at-home orders and social distancing campaigns was identified earlier this week.