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A Solo Exhibition by Quách Bắc @ Manzi

Manzi Art Space is pleased to present ‘Falling into the Horizon’ - a solo exhibition by Quach Bac, one of the most potential contemporary artists in Hanoi today.

Opening: 6.30PM, Friday 16 Aug 2019
Exhibition: 16 Aug – 15 Sept 2019
Manzi Art Space, 14 Phan Huy Ich
Free Entrance

‘Falling Into the Horizon’ is a series of small sized oil paintings and a site specific installation by visual artist Quách Bắc. The works reflect observations of absurd circumstances in Vietnam today, which he explores for traces of fear and hidden hopes.

Utilising both empty mono-coloured spaces and clearly defined subjects, Bắc provokes a host of emotions with his series of paintings. The figures on the canvas react to their absurd situations as if performing on a stage. By illustrating different aspects of life and a variety of contemporary issues in each of his pieces, regardless of format, Bắc conveys bite-sized satire, a rather pessimistic reading of the human condition and doubt for what modern society can tolerate.

As Bắc puts it: “This is how I avoid confrontation with the disappointment of reality. We are decaying in a thousand different ways, are seeing dreams go unfulfilled, wounds that never healed and have therefore lost our faith in an ideal society.”

Complementing the paintings, Bắc’s site specific installation entitled ‘Valse’ (French for waltz) demonstrates an extremely dark view about the past, which forever endures in the minds of Vietnamese people. Within a small, restricted space, a procession of tiny statues of an iconic hero are frozen in the same action. They are on the verge of barging into each other, yet never able to converge. Though capable of only a single gesture, the figures to seem to want to move within the room they have been placed in. Their futile attempts hampered by the furniture that is also present. The artist has given the imagery the name of a dance to provide harmony – albeit choreographed - for these unpleasing yet earnest figures. For is it not the repetition of all things that makes up the rhythms and melodies of each of our lives?

‘Falling into the Horizon’ is Quach Bac’s 2nd solo exhibition since ‘The Sky of Fame’- his first solo show in Saigon in 2016.

The exhibition will open on 16 Aug and be on display until 15 Sept 2019 at Manzi Art Space, 14 Phan Huy Ich, Hanoi. Free Entrance.

Communication partner:
Hanoi Grapevine

Tuesday, 10 September

8:00am - 10:00pm

Manzi | 14 Phan Huy Ich, Ba Dinh, Hanoi


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