Back Events Near Me » Noche de Ecasa 1 - Conecta Cultura @ 2F Downtown

Noche de Ecasa 1 - Conecta Cultura @ 2F Downtown

From the organizer: Time flies. It’s been 6 months since the opening ceremony of ECASA (Vietnam - Spain & Latin America Friendship Organization ( ), we really appreciate your great contribution and support!

As a special thank you to all of you, ECASA would love to bring an annual event named “La noche de Ecasa” and the very first one happening this December “La noche de Ecasa 1 – Connecting Culture”. 

Joining our event, you can expect to:

+ Meet leaders of HCMC people committee, Embassies / Consulates of Spain & Latin America and HUFO
+ Connect with businessmen, individuals, entrepreneurs, alumni those who are living and working in HCMC or overseas in Spain & Latin America. 
+ Enjoy special performances with beautiful vibes from Spain & Latin America

And especially, you will have the opportunity to introduce your culture and tradition to all of us. There will be special prizes to those who wear the most impressive traditional costumes. So DON’T hesitate to sign up for this event. Our stage is YOURS!!!

-- Time: 6pm-12am, Saturday 16th December 2017
-- Venue: 2F Downtown Beer, 99 Nguyen Hue St., Dist.1, HCMC
-- Entrance ticket:
** Early Bird 1: 250,000 VND from now till 12/11/2017
** Early Bird 2: 300,000 VND from 13/11/2017 till 15/12/2017
** At door: 350,000 VND 
* Buffet: all food are made from Spain & Latin America 
* Drinks: soft drinks and wines
* Performances. 

=>> Payment method - Bank transfer: 

Recipient name: TRAN THANH BINH
Account number: 0721000606298
Bank name: Vietcombank - CN KỲ ĐỒNG
** Please email us to confirm your payment the content: Ecasa Night 1 - Your Fullname.
** ECASA will email you the e-ticket. 
** Hotline: 0977635336 (Ms. Bình - Annie) OR 0915606165 (Mr. Việt – Eric)

ECASA team is looking forward to seeing you!


Saturday, 16 December

6:00pm - 12:00am

2F Downtown | 99 Nguyen Hue, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
