From the organizer: Join us for a fundraising event in Saigon by A.R.C Vietnam (Animal Rescue + Care). ARC is a 100% volunteer-run organization that rescues and rehabilitates neglected, unwanted and abandoned animals in Ho Chi Minh City.
Our speaker, Gina Proctor is a US expat who has lived in Vietnam for the past 3 years, working for a large multi-national company. She is a Board member of the American Chamber of Commerce and is actively engaged with ARC.
Gina is passionate about the treatment of animals and gaining community support for change in the future.
This talk will be focused on the vision/mission of the ARC, the structure of the charity, the programs they provide in the community, efforts with supporting other Vietnamese Animal rescues as well as showcase some of the rescue efforts that have gained national and international attention.
Established in 2008, each year, ARC's Adoption & Foster program ensures animals are cared for and re-homed to responsible, loving and committed pet owners.
When animals come to us through our rescue program, they receive all the necessarily vaccinations, medical care, and they are spayed or neutered before we attempt to find them an adoptive home.
A.R.C advocates low-cost spaying and neutering as the most effective means of preventing the births of dogs and cats in the community. Our Trap-Neuter-Release program works with property managers and local businesses to control they stray animal population in various areas of the city.
ENTRANCE TICKETS 100,000 VND can be purchased at the door. All ticket proceeds go directly to ARC.
Tuesday, 22 May
6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Old Compass Cafe | 3rd Floor, 63/11 Pasteur, D1, Ho Chi Minh City