Social Club is calling out all modest Gentlemen to its new themed night with a special offer that includes premium wines and spirits served with plenty of sweet & savory bar-bites.
Right at the iconic Victorian vintage bar in our acclaimed design Social Club restaurant, one can indulge in the finest atmosphere whilst listening to classic tunes performed by legendary artists.
Especially, there will be 1 pair of shoes from Veritas Bespoke for the "Prince of the night". The lucky gentlemen will be the one fitting perfectly with the shoes.
Moreover, there will be a lucky draw with 5 vouchers of 50% off to make bespoke shoes with #VeritasBespoke.
*Reserve your table at +842839898888 or email
Thursday, 16 August
10:00pm - 1:00am
Social Club Saigon | 23-24th Floor 76-78 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, D3, Ho Chi Minh City