Are we all really as happy as we appear on Facebook? Do we all eat healthy, go to the gym, laugh with our friends, have an amazing boyfriend or girlfriend or is some of what we show not real? How much do we show of who we really are, and how much of our mental health are we willing to accept?
In the fifth instalment, we are talking about mental health. It's a topic that is often brushed under the carpet, for fear of sounding too serious, shame, or just lack of awareness and misunderstandings, but it's vital that we create a dialogue about it and show that you are not alone, you are not 'crazy' and you don't have to pretend or feel ashamed of what you are or feel. I want this night to bring light to the topic, and for some, it may be the first time really hearing about these issues, but lets use it as a way to bring hope, support and maybe even some laughter to it and go away knowing we're not alone.
Public speaking is not just something for work presentations, or nobel prize winners to give TED talks, we all have stories, opinions, thoughts, and we benefit from sharing these stories. These events are for giving women a platform to express themselves in a supportive environment, and for the audience to listen and know that they are amongst others in our common struggles. These events are also for all genders, we need to be able to hear and listen to other perspectives in order to work together. *These events are pay what you feel*
Sunday, 28 April
7:50pm - 10:10pm
Chanh Rooftop Bar | 6th Floor 43-45 Ho Tung Mau, D1, Ho Chi Minh City