Back Events Near Me » LGBTea Talk #7: CONSENT @ ICS Hub - The Cafe & Library

LGBTea Talk #7: CONSENT @ ICS Hub - The Cafe & Library

CONSENT - “Secret” for a healthy relationship!

Our upcoming #LGBTeaTalk will be about a “not so new” topic, but will never be unnecessary for us, to build and maintain a relationship.

What is CONSENT?
Why we all need CONSENT in our relationships?
What is PERSONAL BOUNDARIES? Why do we have to set up these BOUNDARIES?

Everything will be answered in our 2 hour event

The event is free to participate, please buy drinks to help us keeping this safe space for LGBT community. And if you want to help more or have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


Monday, 5 August

6:10pm - 8:30pm

ICS Hub | 40/28 Pham Viet Chanh, Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City
