Back Events Near Me » Authentic Leadership with Guest Speaker Warren Rustand @ Lai Restaurant

Join us as we welcome in the Year of the Rat in spectacular fashion. Warren Rustand is one of the highest rated speakers on the Entrepreneurs Organization circuit. This presentation explores the critical essentials of being an authentic leader.

It also discusses the resources that an individual has to be that authentic leader. Beyond that, the presentation talks about the five dimensions of authentic leadership using multiple real business examples of Clarity of Vision, Certainty of Intent, and the Power of Values. The common thread that permeates Warren’s Rustand’s experience is one of vision, strategy, executive leadership, and achievement. He has created, led, and grown many successful private, public, and not for profit entities. He has a passion for family, entrepreneurship, public policy, and community.


13 January 2020

4:00pm - 6:00pm

Lai Restaurant | Sedona Suites, Level 28, 92-94 Nam Ki Khoi Nghia, Ben Nghe Ward, Dist. 1
