Back Events Near Me » 54th Annual Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Conference @ Holiday Inn & Suites

Global Nursing Practice 2021 has been circumspectly organized with various multi and interdisciplinary tracks to accomplish the middle objective of the gathering that is to give a phase to both academic world and industry masters and specialists to aggregate, exchange intel, and collect a framework in their specific fields. Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference has been intended to help medical caretakers from both scholastic just as clinical settings to assemble and examine developing "Challenge, and Leadership in Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice". This social affair gives the overall field to worldwide analysts, educators, specialists, researchers, scientific expert, understudies, business representatives and youthful analysts over the globe to voice their assessment disclosures to the world.

25th March 2021

9:00am - 5:00pm

Holiday Inn & Suites | 18E Cộng Hòa, Street, Tân Bình
