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GenderFunk! The Kultt 2 Britney @ The Observatory

You want more? Well we'll give you more

The Return of GenderFunk! The Kultt 2 : Britney

Let us celebrate the princess of pop, Britney Spears  W/ Drag Queen pastors and Britney music power hour to get you in the zone

Friday 15th March @Observatory

INSIDE : Pay homage to Britney with our Drag Show Service (All Britney inspired y'all!)

Shows : 10:30 / 11:15

OUTSIDE: Scream and Shout for Britney Musical Bingo! Win devilish prizes if you're Lucky.

Note : - You will experience BOTH the Drag show AND Bingo - We won't be playing Britney ALL night don't worry (but enough to drive you crazy!) 9.30 - 5am

Shows : 10:30 / 11:15 Party: All night, or Till the World Ends W/ Sen Riot Sweet Potato Colonel Hymen Phat Paris Hi Ro Sin Esta Ricardo Travistea ParKING (Resident) Kin (Resident)

15th March 2024

09PM - 05AM

The Observatory | 85 Cach Mang Thang Tam, District 1, HCMC
