Back Events Near Me » SLOW/ED/ING ARCHITECTURE Exhibition @ Idécaf


In this show, we seek to open up different perspectives on ways of practicing architecture in Vietnam by putting in dialogue the stories of three Sài Gòn-based offices: sgnhA, Aaaaaa, and Nhabe Scholae. Via a spatial installation created in collaboration with the architects and Dương Gia Hiếu (Ném), we wish to gather you—the public—around the question of what it means to create and run a (small) spatial practice in contemporary Vietnam.

The OUTLET project by Exutoire (which this exhibition is a part of) is generously financed with the support of the Nordic Culture Fund – Globus Opstart grant. OUTLET was partially realized during the Villa Saigon artist residency program of the Institut français du Vietnam. Special thanks to IDECAF for hosting the exhibition.


  • Opening: 18/07/2024 - 17h30
  • 18/07 – 16/08/2024
  • IDECAF, 31 Thái Văn Lung, D1, HCMC
  • Opening hours: Mon–Sat 08:00–20:00
  • Free entrance

For more information, please click here.

18 July - 16 August 2024

08AM - 08PM

Idécaf | 31 Thai Van Lung, D1, Ho Chi Minh Cit
