BackEvents Near Me » Canvas&Wine: Ink Portrait @ VinSpace Art Studio

Canvas&Wine: Ink Portrait @ VinSpace Art Studio

From the organizer: Canvas and Wine  is a Social Event where you will paint and sample fine wines in the company of friends, and with the help of an Instructor. This is a fun, creative class for all, no matter your painting level! With a brush in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, this is the perfect way to get creative.

First we will have a brief introduction about the wines of the night, -always one red, one white- and then after having heard about them, and enjoyed tasting them too, we will start the creativity!Then, the instructor will explain the topic of the day and will carry out a short demo. And the best bit, you can take your masterpiece home at the end of the evening!

Let’s brush, splash and smear the paint onto the canvas and create your own masterpiece!


38 USD, including 2 glasses of Wine. 6:30-9:30 pm. All Materials included

130 USD (15% off) for group of 4

INK PORTRAIT: Using layers of ink and pen allows a real depth in tone and colour. Create a portrait with a difference in this week’s Canvas and Wine! We’ll look to some top illustrators for some inspiration, and add a glass of wine for that extra creative push.


Thursday, 15 January

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Vin Gallery D2 | 6 Lê Văn Miến, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
