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More Than D2 @ Vin Gallery

From the organizer: The wonderful paintings of Doan Xuan Tang will be centre stage at our first exhibition of 2015. His beautiful studies of Highland girls aim to reveal, to the viewer, the strength and sadness behind the charming smiles.

The streaks in his paintings are like a veil through which we see the present day and all of their history. The look in their eyes asks ' what will happen next'

His works have made their way into private collections all over the world. Tang's work is that of a first class, maturing artist whose style is developing as he finds new ways to express the emotions behind the themes.

In contrast we have the constructionist works of Indonesian artists Agung Tato and Heri Cahyono. These powerful images represent architecture as art, using elements from the built environment to reflect on cultural issues. They are hugely engaging and surprisingly emotive.

This exhibition is the Saigon debut for these artists and we feel sure they will be enthusiastically received by art lovers and collectors alike.

For more information about the artists visit our web

Opening night: Friday 6th January 6pm - 9pm
Exhibition duration: 2nd February - 28th February
Location: Vin Gallery, 6 Le Van Mien, Thao Dien, D2


Friday, 6 February

6:00pm - 9:00pm

Vin Gallery D2 | 6 Lê Văn Miến, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
