BackEvents Near Me » Film Screening "Do The Math" @ Hoa Sen University

Film Screening "Do The Math" @ Hoa Sen University

 Using fossil fuels as our primary energy source brought more harm than good to our planet. It has been a significant problem for decades, yet is still commonly overlooked by many people. Fossil fuel’s harmful Carbon Dioxide emissions are increasing at an alarming rate every year and can only be stopped by our efforts. 

Aiming to promote climate change awareness, our event ‘Do the Math’ will take place in Hoa Sen University on the 10th of August and will feature a short but informative video about the dangers of fossil fuels, a presentation providing a brief introduction on 350 and fossil fuels, and fun games.

The event will be conducted by an experienced member of 350.orgVietnam. The world is getting closer to verge of collapsing from these harmful gases. 

If you want to continue calling this planet your home, take action. Going to this event will be a good start. It’s not too late. Yet. 

For more information about our campaign, please visit website: or

Free register by summit this form

Event page:


Saturday, 15 August

9:00 am

Hoa Sen University | 8 Nguyen Van Trang, D1, Ho Chi Minh City
