BackEvents Near Me » BASED ON KYOTO live (Bud Music - JP) @ The Observatory

BASED ON KYOTO live (Bud Music - JP) @ The Observatory

DAICHI and guitarist MARRON put on a live performance last year that simply hypnotized the audience into a state of audio-induced rapture. Their highly unique sound aesthetic has won them plays, praise and plaudits from the likes of Giles Peterson and has seen them perform alongside figures such as Theo Parrish. Pretty much indescribable, BOK simply needs to be heard to be understood. 

Live action.

Support by Hibiya Line (The Obs)

10PM/ FREE before 11PM / 150’000 VND after

Event page:


Saturday, 14 November

10:00 pm

The Observatory | 5 Nguyen Tat Thanh, D4, Ho Chi Minh City

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