Back Events Near Me » OSKAR OFFERMANN (WHITE, Mule - Berlin) - Supported by KIN (The Observatory) @ The Observatory

The Berlin-based Disco, House and Techno mix maestro is returning to our city for the second time - and to the new venue for the first - in what will definitely be a night of rare, seamlessly mixed electronic sounds absolutely designed to get the floor shaking.

Boss of the White Record label & Rimini and a well-known figure of the Berghain/Panorama Bar in Berlin, OSKAR OFFERMANN is a production and DJ force to be reckoned with. Using both digital and analog instrumentation and approaches, Offermann’s productions are exposés of the potential for electronic music to be both soulful and hypnotically machine-like simultaneously, while his sets reflect the galaxy of sound that has been produced by the rich, diverse & often strange ecosystem of human imagination. 

This power on the dance floor has established him as a highly dynamic figure in the exploding European electronic music scene, and he’ll be coming back to show us how he does it once again. 

Sound Power. 

Support by KIN (The Observatory)

doors 10pm / Free before 11PM / 150K after

Event page:


Friday, 20 November

10:00 pm

The Observatory | 5 Nguyen Tat Thanh, D4, Ho Chi Minh City

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