Back Events Near Me » MIXED TAPE: A Rad 80s Dance Party @ La Fenetre Soleil

MIXED TAPE: A Rad 80s Dance Party @ La Fenetre Soleil

From the organizer: MIXED TAPE is back and we’re also back at one of our favourite venues LA FENTRE SOLEIL.

We love the 80s and we know you love the 80s too. Come on down and dance the night away to all your favourites. From Madonna and Wham to Run DMC and Beastie Boys to New Order and Depeche Mode to Aerosmith and Guns N’Roses, to The Clash and Ramones, superkid and stu pot will be playing it all!

Spike up that hair, stuff in those shoulder pads, slide into your adidas hightops and lets get ready to party!!!

Let’s kick it!

Drink specials! giveaways!


Friday, 30 September

10:00pm - 3:00am

La Fenetre Soleil | 44 Ly Tu Trong, D1, Ho Chi Minh City

