Back Events Near Me » Workshop: Calligraphy - Business writing @ The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre

In the 17th century, whose work related closely to writing such as secretary, book copier, writer, especially businessmen - were called Penman. Penmanship genre was strongly developed at that time.

In penmanship, business writing is one of the most important factor, is a firm basis in practicing handwriting. People who work on writing jobs will spend most of their time in the day to write. Therefore, they usually face with back pains as well as shoulder, wrist and finger fatigue if they do not practice in an accurate way. To prevent that risk, people from the ancients researched and found out the ways that help writing related employees could be able to write tens or even hundreds without feeling unconfortable.

In the workshop Business Writing with Shiba, you will be instructed about alphabets, heights, widths, parts, word distance. Morever, right postion, hand movements, how to use shoulders as a fulcrum when writing and lastly, how to express ourselves in writing. Be ready to say "goobye" to boring e-card and dry emails. Your words will be described in attractive hand-writing letters, and magic wonders can come out from our fingers without any machine supports.

Workshop includes 3 sessions: 16-22-23 /10/2016
Duration of each session: 10AM - 12PM (2hrs)

*We only receive maximum 20 students/course to ensure the quality.
** Students can bring their own equipment or buy at The Factory when register the workshop
Tool: Pilot Penmanship pen (169.000 VND/pen)

Course fees: 810,000 VND/3 sessions (including special calligraphy papers)
10% discount for early bird (pay course fee before 10 Oct 2016) OR group from 2 students
Register at:
Hotline: 0901 437 883


Sunday, 16 October

6:30pm - 8:30pm

The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre | 15 Nguyen U Di, D2, Ho Chi Minh City
