Community colleges in the U.S. are seen as an attractive option for students who are concerned about the financial commitments needed for studying in the U.S., or for those students who might not achieve high enough grades to be admitted directly to a university for their freshman year.
These are two common reasons that Vietnamese students note when selecting the community college pathway in the U.S. But, there is a lot more to consider when looking at the options between applying and studying at a community college compared to applying and studying at a university. All students and parents are invited to attend this workshop to learn more about what opportunities are offered through this higher education pathway. This will be an interactive event, so it is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions, or get clarification on information that you might have heard regarding community colleges, but are not certain about.
Speakers: Representatives from:
Foothill and De Anza Colleges (Silicon Valley, Northern California)
El Camino College (Los Angeles area, Southern California)
Fulton Montgomery Community College (Up State New York)
Riverside City College (San Bernardino area, Southern California)
Santiago Canyon College (Santa Ana area, Southern California)
Orange Coast College (Orange County area, Southern California)
South Seattle College (Seattle, Washington)
Contra Costa College (San Francisco area, Northern California)
Santa Rosa College (Berkeley area, Northern California)
South Puget Sound Community College (Olympia, Washington)
Thursday, 27 October
2:00pm - 4:00pm
The American Center | 8th floor, Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan, D.1, Ho Chi Minh City