Back Arts & Culture » Music & Art » 'Lòng Vòng Sài Gòn' Music Video Reminds Us of the Fantastical Magic of the City

There are certain things that we tend to take for granted in life. A standard routine, moments of simple contentment, and that one cơm tấm lady who’s always been at that street corner whenever you reach home at 6pm. We wallow in regret when they are taken away; yearning for past memories and usual comforts.

Riding one’s bike aimlessly around Saigon is one such simple pleasure, as Dick and CHARLES. have so eloquently conveyed in their latest release, ‘Lòng Vòng Sài Gòn,’ a languid single accompanied by a tongue-in-cheek music video. The lyrics are exceedingly simple: it’s an ode to the freedom and nonchalance of being on a bike by yourself as you cruise across town, the breeze in your hair, luxuriating in the beauty of urban scenes without a care.

Dick raps about being on a Wave motorbike, turning off his phone and immersing in the carefree joy of a solitary bike ride. The beat has elements of Japanese city pop with a delicious synth and hypnotizing beats, while the music video is much more whimsical. As we watch the rapper ride on the highway in his pink hoodie, scenes of the city appear as if inside a pop-up art book. Old apartments, iconic landmarks and modernist houses are interspersed in between flowery illustrations and panoramic banners of CHARLES.

Fall in love with a fantastical Saigon via this enchanting video by Bạn Có Tài Mà, featuring Dick and CHARLES. below:

[Video via YouTube channel BẠN CÓ TÀI MÀ]

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