A thorough oral examination is critical for the short and long-term health of one’s pet. Their teeth may appear clean on the outside but hidden dental problems could still be lurking beneath the gum line. In fact, most dental disease occurs below the gum line and can easily go unnoticed without a thorough oral examination. Failure to recognize these issues can lead to pain, trauma, broken teeth, or even a broken jaw.
Some veterinary clinics in Saigon and Hanoi are offering these essential procedures without anesthesia, advertising them as an alternative to traditional dental care. These, however, can be dangerous for one’s pet.

Appropriately planned anesthesia is far safer than anesthesia-free dental procedures.
In response to this situation, Animal Doctors International Veterinary Hospital (ADI) is working to raise awareness about this concerning issue. In a released statement, they stress that performing dental procedures without anesthesia cannot allow the full oral examination to be performed and vitally important diagnoses may be missed or delayed; do not allow full and effective cleaning of the most important sub-gingival areas; may cause damage to the tissues surrounding the teeth; may cause discomfort, pain and/or distress to the animal; and are likely to delay clients accessing effective, proper oral care.

Clean crowns of the teeth don't mean there isn't advanced periodontal disease under the gum. This problem is easy to miss without a proper oral examination.
While some pet owners may be concerned about the risks of anesthesia, the truth is that appropriately planned anesthesia is far safer than anesthesia-free dental procedures, even for elderly animals. Moreover, local anesthesia in the oral cavity of an animal is not possible without prior general anesthesia. Some early oral cancers can only be detected when the pet is under chemical restraint. Additionally, many oral diseases can only be diagnosed through X-ray examination, which is only possible when the pet is fully anesthetized.
Modern anesthetic procedures, combined with appropriate monitoring and support, carry very low risks. In fact, the benefits of effective dental and periodontal treatment far outweigh the risks associated with anesthesia.

For more information about the importance and safety of anesthesia for dental cleaning, you can contact ADI for more information. In addition to numerous locations In Saigon and Hanoi for in-person discussions and 24/7 emergency care, you can call their hotline (1900 633 093) or visit their website.