You consume, on average, the equivalent of a credit card’s worth of microplastics every week.
The greatest source of this weekly 5 grams of ingested microplastics is water. The tiny synthetic particles come in a variety of forms from different sources, and while scientists claim the need for further research, many are concerned about their effects on human bodies. According to Professor Frank Kelly, director of the Environmental Research Group at King's College London, "In sufficient concentrations the chemicals can injure and kill cells. The cells may be replaced successfully, or they may not.”
The topic of water safety is especially timely considering high levels of styrene found in some of Hanoi’s water supply last month forced people to use bottled water for not only drinking but cooking. In response to the country’s dangerously unclean water, people must boil it before using. This, however, does not remove chemicals or heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Bottled water doesn’t contain these elements, however, it actually contains higher levels of microplastics including Bisphenol A, or BPA, a chemical that is believed to contribute to health issues including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancer and alterations of normal hormone levels and immune systems. So while using bottles may safeguard one from diseases including cholera and typhoid, as well as high chlorine levels, they still present significant health risks, especially for vulnerable segments of the population including children and the elderly.
In addition to the potentially negative effects on individuals’ well-being, our world’s over-reliance on plastic bottles constitutes an environmental crisis. Vietnam alone dumps 13 million tons of plastic into the oceans every year, making it one of Asia’s worst offenders. When released into the environment, plastics endanger ecosystems and harm wildlife. Moreover, the production of plastics releases greenhouse gases into the air that lead to climate change and set in motion a worrying domino effect of storms, flooding, land degradation and mass human migrations. Simply put, finding a way to reduce our use of plastics would be in the best interest of the planet.
While not as significant as health and environmental concerns, the cost of using plastic bottles for all one’s home or office needs adds up considerably. And even when you factor in delivery costs, purchasing the big 20L jugs may reduce costs, but storing them takes up significant space, and in a city as densely populated as Hanoi, every meter matters.
An Alternative
There are, thankfully, technologies that can solve the above issues related to relying on plastic water bottles. Best Water Technology, or BWT, Europe’s leading filtration producer, has an array of home and office solutions that transform regular city, well and groundwater into pure drinking water. A pre-filter removes the particulate matter, a second multi-layer filter reliant on natural elements removes chemicals, chlorine, odor, tastes and smells, hormones, pesticides/herbicides and pharmaceutical residuals), while a final UV filter kills all bacteria and viruses or an ultrafilter filters them out, resulting in high-quality water that is safe and hygenic to drink.
Different BWT models cater to different needs and situations. Large models installed at points of entry can accommodate high-volume use, while units placed under the sink work best when space is limited. Regardless of where they are installed, they provide a variety of benefits, in addition to making plastic bottles redundant. Showering with water that is free from chlorine helps keep one’s hair and skin strong and healthy; vegetables washed with it lack potentially dangerous industrial runoff or infectious agents; and home appliances last longer when the water that flows through them doesn’t contain destructive particles or leave limescale deposits.
Unlike Saigon, Hanoi’s water is especially hard, meaning it contains high levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This can damage appliances, dry out hair and skin, fade clothing and stain sinks and bathtubs. Those living in the capital, therefore, should install water softeners that rectify these issues by removing the mineral content from the water. Softer water also reduces the amount of detergent needed to wash clothing, and thus cuts down on household expenditures.
People that decide to install a BWT filter system often also opt for dispensers. Especially useful for large buildings or offices that need to accommodate many thirsty occupants, the dispensers can deliver hot, cold and ambient temperature water. Moreover, a UV light at the dispenser’s spout ensures that the water remains pure even if bottle and glass rims bump up against it.
Some of the dispensers and systems come with magnesium cartridges. Adding magnesium to water is purported to have a variety of health benefits, including reducing stress and increasing brain function and overall body health. It also tastes great, whether enjoyed alone or used to make coffee or tea.
Ensuring your family and co-workers are drinking the cleanest, safest water possible is a simple process. Upon placing a call to BWT, professionals will come to your home or office to inspect the area and discuss your particular needs. After you’ve selected a system, installation is fast and easy. And once it’s in place, the company remains active in maintenance and offers reminders for filter changes, which usually take place once or twice a year, depending on unit type and use.
Those that have grown up or spent time in North America or Europe understand the joys of placing a glass beneath a faucet and taking a sip. Many assume that this is not possible in Vietnam, but with a BWT filter system, that simple pleasure becomes easily attainable. Even better, when compared to using plastic water bottles, it’s better for your body and the environment as well.

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92 Nguyen Huu Canh, Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam