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in Environment

Hanoi, Home to 51% of Vietnam's Captive Bears, Remains Bile-Farming Hot Spot

Hanoi has more than half of Vietnam's registered captive bears, which makes the capital the biggest, and the last, hot spot of bear bile farming in the country.

in Environment

Conservation Project Seeks Local Filmmakers to Make Bear Documentary

FOUR PAWS Viet Wildlife Conservation Center is looking for a Vietnamese filmmaker to create a documentary about the stories of their rescued bears at the Bear Sanctuary Ninh Binh.

in Environment

[Video] Witness a Heartwarming Moon Bear Rescue Operation

Watch what has been described as "the most challenging operation ever attempted by a bear rescue organization: transporting 101 endangered Asiatic black bears halfway across China."

in Environment

The Delicate Process of Helping Bears Recover From Trauma

Bear bile farms, which exist in some Asian countries like Vietnam and China, are a terrible reality for Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus).

in Environment

Tam Dao's Bear Sanctuary and the Fight Against Bile Farms

Bear bile farming is a custom that originates from China, having been practiced for thousands of years. The bile, harvested from bears’ gallbladders, is used in various traditional Chinese medicines. ...

in Development

[Photos] Inside Cat Tien National Park's New Bear Sanctuary Made From Wire and Pebbles

The group of buildings inside Cat Tien National Park provides a comfortable home to 40 sun and moon bears that have been rescued from illegal trafficking and the bear bile industry.