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Paul Christiansen

in Literature

5 Books by Vietnamese Authors Centered on Strong Female Protagonists

Literature, more than any other art form, allows people an intimate vantage point from which to witness the experiences, emotions, and thoughts of individuals drastically different from themselves. Bo...

in Film & TV

Women in Post-Đổi Mới Vietnamese Cinema: From Archetypal to Multifaceted

In Vietnamese cinema, the female figure has long been employed to deliver macro-level messages rather than just mundane narratives.

Paul Christiansen

in Loạt Soạt

'Longings' Brings 22 Stories by Vietnamese Female Writers to the World

Where are all the female writers?

in Film & TV

'Madame Pirate,' Film Project Based on Asia's Greatest Female Pirate, Sets Sail Again

Zheng Yi Zao “started as a prostitute, resisted the authority of the Qing emperor, kicked everyone’s bottom, and then got away with it... also she has been ignored by history,” explains Vietnam-b...

Khôi Phạm

in Film & TV

A (Non-Exhaustive) Ranking of 10 Vietnamese Queer Movies in History

How would you define a “queer” film?

in Health

For Trans Vietnamese, Healthcare Providers Are Respectful, but Red Tape Still Hurts

Vietnam has been increasingly progressive in protecting and promoting LGBT rights. In November 2015, Vietnam made a big milestone when it granted individuals who have changed their gender the right to...

Thi Nguyễn

in Music & Arts

The Facetious Gender Politics of Gỗ Lim, Hanoi's Feminist Post-Punk Quintet

In an example of cruel irony, October 20 is when we celebrate annual Vietnam Women's Day, and also the anniversary of the passing of Mai Nga (commonly known as Nga Nhí), the lead singer of Gỗ Lim — a ...

Linh Phạm

in Film & TV

Short Film 'Don't' Dreams of a World With an All-Asian Crime-Fighting Squad

One day, Sally Tran realized that many of her friends in New York City were going to self-defense classes and buying weapons to protect themselves in the city they call home. 

Elise Luong

in Culture

The Peculiar Gender Dynamics of Hanoi's Male-Dominated Cờ Tướng Scene

On a sunset wander through Hanoi, you may be surprised by the peculiar sight of men haphazardly perched in nooks and crannies playing the ancient game of xiangqi.

in Vietnam

New Survey Ranks Vietnam 1st of 39 in Gender Equality at Home, Work

If you say so.

in Film & TV

Filmmaker Hà Lệ Diễm Wins Best Directing Award at Documentary Film Fest

Children of the Mist (Những Đứa Trẻ Trong Sương) is the debut long feature of Vietnamese documentarian Hà Lệ Diễm.

in Vietnam

Nguyễn Thị Định, the Major General Leading Bến Tre's 'Long-Haired Army'

Hidden down an alley in Saigon’s District 3 is the house that was given by the government to Vietnam’s first woman general, Nguyễn Thị Định, after the country’s reunification in 1975.

in Vietnam

Vietnam Slightly Advances on UN Human Development Index to No. 117 of 189

Over the last 30 years, Vietnam's HDI (Human Development Index) has grown by 46%, amongst the biggest jump in the world.

in Society

Vietnam Has 3rd-Highest Sex Ratio Imbalance in the World, Report Says

Families are choosing to have more boys than girls, and experts worry this will cause problems in the future.

in Podcast

Saigoneer Podcast: The Gender, Generational Divides of Saigon's Civic Spaces

Episode 87 is ready for your ears!

in Vietnam

Vietnam Down 10 Places in Global Gender Gap Index, Ranks 10th in Asia-Pacific

Vietnam’s gender equality ranking has dropped during the past year compared to 2018, but most Asian countries also share the same fate.

Khôi Phạm

in Film & TV

Review: Despite Laughable Jump Scares, 'Bắc Kim Thang' Is Surprisingly Smart and Topical

With lush landscapes of the Mekong Delta as the background, Bắc Kim Thang is surprisingly wicked and intelligent, but most importantly, it provides feminist advocates a new way to topple the patriarch...

in Vietnam

74% of Vietnam's Garment Workers Earn Below Global Living Wage: Study

  A recently-published Oxfam study looks at Vietnamese garment workers' wages and living conditions.

in Society

Female Garment Factory Workers in Vietnam Face Widespread Physical, Sexual Abuse, Study Shows

A new study interviewed 736 female Vietnamese garment workers to gain insights into the extent of abuse these women are facing.