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New Survey Ranks Vietnam 1st of 39 in Gender Equality at Home, Work

If you say so.

Tuổi Trẻ reports that a new survey by the Worldwide Network of Market Research ranked Vietnam first among 39 countries when it comes to gender equality both at home and in the workplace. A total of 33,326 people were surveyed via telephone, online and in-person interviews.

In Vietnam, the research was conducted with help from Indochina Research Company and included responses from 601 people in Hanoi, Saigon, Đà Nẵng and Cần Thơ. Incredibly, 84% of Vietnamese respondents said there is equality between men and women in the workplace, while 93% of those surveyed said there is gender equality at home. These were the highest rates of the 39 countries included in the survey. It is not clear how many men and women took part in the study. 

The overall rates were 70% of respondents saying men and women had equality at home, while 60% said so about work. Japan had the lowest rates, at 30% for work and 44% for home. In other sectors, only 37% of all respondents said that women have the same career opportunities as men, though China had the highest rate at 79%, followed by Vietnam at 69%. 

These results come despite years of data showing that, on average, Vietnamese women are paid less than men and have fewer opportunities to move up in their careers. Women are also generally burdened with the lion's share of household chores and child care.

[Photo: A Hanoian resident enjoys a glass of bia hơi next to West Lake]

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